Leading Virtually and Team Accountability

The transition to remote working for most of us, has challenged our ability as managers to lead, collaborate, keep teams motivated and accountable during COVID19.  

This on-line landscape has meant that our connections are more formal, and we may miss the the human cues we once relied upon when in a physical office with each other. 

So how do we keep our teams accountable, coming out the other side of this time as a better team, who collaborates more deeply with each other? 

Jonathan Raymond the founder of the Accountability Dial, has developed a framework to help you balance both care for people and accountability for results. 

Accountability Dial 

Accountability helps us to learn and evolve, but in the moment, it doesn’t feel great. That’s because as humans we avoid discomfort, you don’t get to look good and grow at the same time! 

The five steps of the Accountability Dial provide managers with a roadmap for having difficult conversations in order to guide team members to take greater personal ownership of their roles. 

Here is a summary of the steps below. 

Mention – In real-time (if possible), either by chat in a on-line meeting or jumping on a quick call, offer an observation about an undesired behaviour. The key is to do it that day, not wait weeks before you mention it. 

Invitation – Look to carve out 10 minutes out of an already existing weekly catch up to cover any items that have come up during the week, let it become a regular feedback loop and build that rapport and trust with each other. 

Conversation – Talk to the impact an issue is having on the team, and your clients, this is where the work you have done to build trust provides the ability to have an open, honest conversation. The key here is to move past issue acknowledgement, as realistically without change this is just an excuse. 

Boundary –Define the boundaries and discuss next steps and a timeline for making a change. 

The Limit – The last step if still no change, ask them where we can go from here and pivot the responsibility to them to make meaningful change.  

For a deeper dive check out the full details on the Dial on Jonathans site here https://refound.com/resources/ 


COVID19 - Now is the time to focus on your business


Let’s do something about our meetings